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**We wouldn't ask you to join our mailing list without first telling you more about it.

Why should you add yet another email list to your inbox?

Something that we feel we do well is to write in a succinct manner, which allows you to get an overview of our various topics, without wasting words. We know and respect how valuable your time is.

What do we offer stylistically?

The email will feature about one to two minutes of reading text, along with a link if you wish to continue reading in greater depth. The email also contains pictures of products we have added to The Subway Shop.

How often is the email sent?

For now -- we send our email out once a month. If it goes well, we may work on implementing a weekly, a quarterly, and an annual letter. A goal of ours to send out an annual mailing during the holiday season.

How long will it take to read?

It takes about one to two minutes.

It it full of links that take forever to get trough?

No. Everything is summarizes in written word. There will be one link at the end of email which leads to a more comprehensive content offering that is catered to that time of year.

Join our Mailing List.

Thank you so much for reaching out.



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